Pastor Mike Stinson currently serves as Grace Alliance Youth Pastor.  He joined the staff in July 2011.

This is his first official ministry position. Mike has a love for Jesus Christ and God's word and has a desire to reach the young people for Christ. He is also part of the worship team.


Bible "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship"

Romans 12:1  


Graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University in May of 2011 with a Bible Degree and an emphasis in pastoral studies


Though he gets much flack for it Mike is a die hard Phillies fan and absolutely loves the game of Baseball.   No one really cares about His football team, but he is also a die hard Jaguars fan. We keep trying to make him a NY fan, but it has failed so far.   

Future Plans

Mike is also engaged to a godly woman named Becky, who also has a desire to reach the youth for Christ. They are committed to serving Christ in every aspect of their lives and ministries.     Mike also loves to play guitar, read, fish, and play sports.